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official goals中文是什么意思

用"official goals"造句"official goals"怎么读"official goals" in a sentence


  • 正式目标


  • First , clearly define the official goal of the web site - in writing
  • With the collapse of the bretton woods system and the fluctuations ( devaluation and revaluation ) of the exchange rates inflicted upon major currencies of european nations , in the hague in december 1969 , the heads of state and government decided to make economic and monetary union ( emu ) an official goal of european integration
    随着布莱顿森林体系的崩溃,加之欧洲国家主要货币饱受汇率动荡之苦(贬值和重新估价) , 1969年12月,欧洲国家元首和政府首脑在海牙决定将经济与货币联盟设为欧洲一体化的官方目标。
  • With the colla e of the bretton woods system and the fluctuatio ( devaluation and revaluation ) of the exchange rates inflicted upon major currencies of european natio , in the hague in december 1969 , the heads of state and government decided to make economic and monetary union ( emu ) an official goal of european integration
    随着布莱顿森林体系的崩溃,加之欧洲国家主要货币饱受汇率动荡之苦(贬值和重新估价) , 1969年12月,欧洲国家元首和政府首脑在海牙决定将经济与货币联盟设为欧洲一体化的官方目标。
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